Self-care tip for sad babes:

There’s nothing better than a good crying sesh. Did you know there’s health benefits to crying, too? Crying, relieves stress, can reduce blood pressure and remove toxins from the body.

In Japan, you can even cry yourself silly at crying clubs called rui-katsu – which literally means ’tear-seeking’.

So pull up with that box of tissues and your fav soppy flick, you'll feel so much better after – promise.

Self-care tip for cbf babes:

Don’t feel bad for saying no to a social outing. If you’re not feeling up for it, there’s no need to exert and deplete your personal energy on something you may not even be present in. There’s no shame in saying no and staying in, chucking on a face mask and watching some trash tv. Have yourself a JOMO moment.

If you’re getting weird in the tummy for ditching your friend, make sure to offer an alternative to your meet up, that way they’ll know you appreciate them.

P.s. illustration by creative powerhouse Katie Ford.

Self-care tip for self-conscious babes:

Inflamed, irritated skin during menstruation is SO common and is nothing to hide. But if you want a hand with those pesky bumps, here are our tips.

Clean your pillowcases every few days. You wouldn’t believe how many germies, dead skin cells and dirt hide in these bad boys. Eek!

Never go to bed with makeup on. You’re just begging for blocked pores.

Try a Witch Hazel toner. Super affordable from the chemist, they have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties which help calm irritated skin.

Stay AWAY from fast foods. 

Lastly, bad skin or not – you're still beautiful, ok?!

Self-care tip for hurting babes:

A nice warm bath is like a Moxie hottie, but all over your body. We recommend using Epsom salts and a touch of lavender essential oil.

Not only will the warm water help relieve your period cramps and ease muscular tension, but it’s said that lavender can help reduce stress, anxiety and even mild pain.

Hot water can also relieve period cramps and ease muscular tension.

If you're worried about bleeding in the bath – wear a menstrual cup or tampon.

Self-care tip for moody babes:

Congratulations, Moxette – really. Without you even consciously doing anything, your body grew and then shed its uterine lining, gave you a huge rise and dip in almost every mood-altering hormone possible and yet HERE YOU ARE, alive and well to tell the tale. Wow. Isn’t the female body like, incredibly super impressive?! Grab a hot tea and a treat - you deserve a reward for surviving that roller coaster.

Self-care tip for binging babes:

So there may not be any proper scientifically proven medical reasons as to why binge-watching is good for you, but here are some other super legit reasons to stay indoors and under the covers rn:

You’ll learn patience – there’s nothing like remaining still, at peace with the knowledge that you have nine hours worth of TV deliciousness ahead of you.

You won’t run into your ex – hunkering down leaves no chance to awkwardly run into and make small talk with anyone you don’t want to.

You won’t get hit by a car – your bed is so safe. The safest.

Self-care tip for thirsty babes:

Nutrition fact: If you drink two litres of water per day, you won’t have time for other people’s drama because you’ll be too busy peeing. Stay hydrated, Moxettes.

From handy intimate wipes, to mini hotties and sweet treats, here’s a run-down of those lil’ extras to help curb your period week dramas.